~The Church of the Saviour (西什庫天主堂) , Beijing (2023.01.04)


Vault of the the Church of the Saviour (西什庫天主堂) , Beijing

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作者: 黃賢 標籤: 品味歷史 Back to Menu 目錄 Download下載

 The Church of the Saviour (西什庫天主堂) , Beijing

The Church of the Saviour (西什庫天主堂) in Beijing is a witness to the difficult relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Chinese State, despite the former’s many contributions to science and establishment of eleemosynary institutions in the latter.

The first visit to China by a Catholic missionary was in response to repeated invitations by the Yuan emperor, Kublai Khan忽必烈, who ruled confidently at the height of the empire.[1]

The first church in the capital (then called Khanbaliq 汗八里) was built soon thereafter, in 1299; the first Archbishop of Beijing was appointed in 1307. But collapse of the dynasty ended that effort.

Matteo Ricci arrived three centuries later during the late Ming Dynasty. His indigenization and accommodation approach was immensely successful, helped also by missionaries bringing modern science to China.

His legacy survived dynastic change, and Catholics were welcomed and protected by the Qing Emperor Kangxi (康熙) at the height of the empire. When missionaries cured his malaria in 1693 while court physicians and traditional medicines failed, Kangxi gifted land and funds for a church, the predecessor of the Church of the Saviour.[2]

But all that came to naught after the Rites Controversy (禮儀之爭), due partly to internecine struggles. The Catholics were expelled; I wrote a modern coda to that fiasco.[3]

With the decline of the Qing dynasty, a difficult period of perceived grievances followed, with episodic calamity. During the Cultural Revolution, the Church was confiscated and turned into an electronics factory; I attended many meetings there in the aftermath.

The physical church has been restored, and is now a declared monument, but historical problems persist, not yet resolved by Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 letter to the flock. RIP

[1]  Kublai Khan sent two emissaries, both of whom met the Pope. Very detailed first hand account of the second by Rabban Bar Sauma: The Monks of Kublai Khan, Emperor of China : medieval travels from China through Central Asia to Persia and beyond translated by E. A. Wallis Budge (1996).

[2]  Very detailed first hand account of curing Kangxi’s malady by French missionaries: Lettres Édifiantes Et Curieuses, Vol. 7: Écrites des Missions Étrangers, par Quelques Missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jesus (1708), pp217ff.

[3] Bishop Ronald Hall: Quiet Moments – an Encounter with Confucius 何明華主教:靜祈籌動 – 與孔子邂逅 (2012).

~ “逃犯條例草案”的問題(共八篇) Eight articles on the “Fugitive Offenders Ordinance Amendment Bill” (2019.6) 

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Eight articles in respect of the

Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 (“the Bill”)


(“草案”) 八篇文章

———————————————————————————————————— The “the Bill” is flawed for legal, political and practical reasons. It will adversely affect HKSAR, Taiwan, the mainland and other countries with which HKSAR has agreements on MLA/SFO. While there are strong compassionate reasons to address a particular case involving an egregious crime committed in Taiwan, the so-called “loophole” argument by the Government is flawed as the current arrangement was deliberate and approved by Beijing prior to the reversion of HKSAR. The Bill, however, opens up true loopholes that may compromise the long-term interests of China and HKSAR. Subsequent statements to address these glaring faults by the Government but are not legally binding merely point to inadequate research and oversight. The principal shortcomings of the Bill are:
  • Failure to appreciate the subtle constitutional issues with respect to the mainland, HKSAR, Taiwan and Macau: the Bill de facto advocates “de-sinification”;
  • Failure to assess the impact of the exclusion of certain commercial crimes from the Bill: this is de facto granting of amnesty to mainland persons implicated in corruption who are now in HKSAR seeking refuge. HKSAR thus truly becomes a haven for such criminals when hitherto the Security Bureau could have removed them using immigration regulations.
  • Failure to address the concerns of nations with existing extradition agreements with HKSAR: the Bill would allow their nationals to be surrendered to jurisdictions never contemplated when signing the agreements.
  • Failure to adopt recent practice in the jurisprudence of extradition: the Bill failed to avail itself of measures that are now prevalent in use and can address the legitimate concerns of the people of HKSAR, e.g., aut dedere aut judicare.
This Submission proposes an outline of an arrangement that can allay the fears of the people of HKSAR, is acceptable to the international community, agreeable to Taiwan and can return mainland fugitive offenders to the mainland, as intended.  
  1. 《草案》雖入土爲安,但依然要檢討當初爲何未能提出一個四贏方案,即:一個港人能放心,國際社會能釋懷,臺灣能接受,内地疑犯能送返的方案。
  2. 相反,提出修例的兩個藉口都不存在或毫無意義:臺灣必然拒絕接受任何企圖改變憲制地位的方案,而内地逃犯能來港或留港,純粹因保安局失職,沒有用移民條例拒之門外。
  3. 《草案》備受各方,特別是法律專業、商業團體的批評,是因爲主要官員不做功課、不熟書,漏洞百出,概括爲四方面認知漏洞:
    • 對國家統一的認知漏洞;因爲其隱含“去中國化”;
    • 對國家安全和持續發展的認知漏洞;因爲令香港淪爲經濟犯罪天堂,特別有利内地貪污集團;
    • 對香港的國際義務的認知漏洞;因爲大大降低此前的法律標準;以及
    • 對引渡法的認知漏洞;因爲未能充分利用近年國際間廣汎使用的引渡法機制。
  1. 這些認知漏洞除涉及憲制問題外,還帶來兩方面嚴重後果:其一,輕率剔除某些罪行後,香港將成為犯罪天堂,不利國家安全;其二,方案粗疏,被各方面詬病,徒增社會猜疑。
  2. 任何移送疑犯的安排必須考慮到香港憲制地位特殊,法治水平較高,經濟高度外向,人員進出頻繁的特點,才能設計出一個四贏方案,即:能令港人放心,國際社會釋懷,臺灣接受,内地疑犯被送返。
  3. 鋻此,在《灼見名家》發表共六篇、《明報》一篇文章。另附向立法會提供意見一篇、記載中國古代有關移送疑犯的記錄一篇和重點介紹aut dedere aut judicare(不移交則審判原則)一篇:

“(一):對國家統一的認知漏洞”,《灼見名家》 2019-05-14


“(三):‘Asia’s Wild City’歡迎你”,《灼見名家》2019-05-31




  1. 政府聲稱的所謂“漏洞”,其實是回歸前北京的精心安排:回歸前香港立法局通過的《疑犯條例》以及和外國簽署的移送協定都刻意排除内地、臺、澳,目的是爲了保持日後四地憲制安排的靈活性,都是在北京直接、具體指導下進行的。《草案》刪去有關條文實質是“去中國化”
  2. 僅僅翻看當年立法會的起草資料猶如井蛙觀天;起碼要看到中英聯絡小組的工作文件才能弄清來龍去脈。本人當年有機會參與内地和臺灣間的移送工作,充分體會問題的敏感性。
  3. 原本設計思路很簡單:各地若要移送疑犯,可通過民間機制酌情進行,雖麻煩低效,但各方都保留主動權。
  4. 因對國家統一有認知漏洞,《草案》還違反《基本法》第95、96條嚴格區分“全國其他地區”和“外國”的有關司法安排的規定。
  1. 政府不明初衷,匆匆提出修例,既違背歷史,又捅破兩個不同法律體系間的防火墻,社會各界特別是工商界譁然。政府為選票難免被迫不思後患,未經缺周詳考慮,一而再“跪低”,剔除九大類經濟罪行。
  2. 其結果和提出修例的目的截然相反,因無疑是提前替内地宣佈特赦貪污,豁免一大批違反這九類經濟罪行的貪污從犯,讓其冠冕堂皇在港繼續幹其勾當,比特赦還風光體面。香港自此才淪爲經濟犯罪天堂。
  3. 國家目前最大的安全隱患,毫無疑問是貪污腐化:不要忘記,香港歷史才三個甲子,卻已目睹兩個内地朝代倒于貪污腐化。
  4. 工商界更不應掉以輕心。本人正在協調一起名人案件。受害者的一起商業糾紛,因對方買通内地司法系統,被誣告為詐騙,被關在秦城監獄多年。按《草案》,提請遣返的行政、司法程序門檻降低了,而受害者在審理過程中,依法是不能充分反駁“詐騙”的誣告(即 not at large)。[3]
  5. 更有甚者:新的條例造成新的風險。内地執法水平參差不平、吏治不彰,還必然出現有關内地官員假藉會申請移送,進行恐嚇、勒索等等副作用。這也是本人處理内地和臺灣移交疑犯最深刻的體驗。
  6. 爲避免以上弊病,這些方面原有的法律和程序保障,不僅不能降低,還應提高,更要清楚在《草案》列出,約束申請方,不容苟且。
  1. 問題分三個層面,但都反映一個通病:法律底蘊不足,更跟不上國際引渡法的發展。
  2. 先是立法技巧,未以清晰易懂爲目標,出現以下繞口令式條款,把複雜的法律問題變得更複雜,如:“(b)第2(3)條適用,猶如當中提述‘第(2)款’之處,是提述‘第3A(5)條’一樣。”
  3. 其次是修例的連帶作用,《草案》未能照顧各持分者的合理期望。香港難得和二十多國家簽署移交協定,都是建基于相互瞭解,在這方面趨於同質。《草案》突然降低程序門檻,摻入170多各式各樣的國家;已和香港達成移交協定的囯家為保護其國民不被隨意移交,難免强烈反應。
  4. 以英超或做生意做比喻最簡單:打英超聯賽,卻冒然加入一批乙丙丁組隊伍;或合夥人團隊做生意,一直審慎理財,但一員突然成敗家,不抗議才怪。
  5. 最嚴重的是,未能充分利用近年國際間廣汎使用的引渡法機制;這些機制是爲了應對不斷出現的新狀況,普通法、大陸法地區都在用,有參考意義。
  6. 相反,《草案》提出時,未做功課更不熟書的官員們不負責任地輕蔑否定坊間的建議,居然錯誤地標簽某些機制為違反普通法,殊不知這些機制不僅源於最古老的普通法,在普通法國家使用,更是香港在逃犯協定中承諾的國際義務。還害到港澳辦主任隨其學舌。
  1. 《草案》的目標,應是一個四贏方案,還必須考慮到香港憲制地位特殊,法治水平較高,經濟高度外向,人員進出頻繁。
  2. 至於《逃犯條例》應否修改、如何修改,要通盤考慮。總言之,修改條例必須細膩地考慮到:
    • 不同移交申請方
    • 不同類別擬被移交人士
    • 不同移交機制
    • 不同罪行
    • 不同適用時間,
    • 保證港人、來港外國人士不輕易被引渡的機制。
    • 協定國的憂慮、利益,要在條例條文明確區分待遇,甚至要考慮修改已簽訂的協議。
    • 對等問題,特別是對國民/居民的對等待遇。
    • 防止法律、體制以及吏治的漏洞和後遺症。
  3. 整合以上要素前,先重點談兩個重要的移交機制。
  4. 目前香港已簽了的移交協定,采用多種移交機制,包括無身份限定、不移交内地居民等等,也不一定對等。其中兩個原則,使用的地區會越來越廣汎,幾成主流,值得參考,即:“居民不移交原則”(non-national)和“不移交則審判原則”(aut dedere aut judicare)。
  5. 居民不移交原則已是世界主流,主要在大陸法地區使用,包括内地,也曾有個別普通法地區使用,更常出現在普通法和其他地區簽訂的移交協定,如香港和菲律賓、印尼等等的協定。香港應以此為預設移交機制(甚至涵蓋第三方居民)。
  6. “不移交則審判原則”歷史悠久,最早的普通法記載是1174年,運作簡單:若某疑犯符合移交的所有條件,被申請方依然有權不移交,但必須在當地提出審訊。香港和多個國家的移交協定有類似條款,如:英國、美國、菲律賓、加拿大、澳洲、德國等等的協定。香港尚未為這機制制定本地審訊程序,才是真正的漏洞。[4] [5]
  7. 澳洲為實施“不移交則審判原則”,有完整的有關本地立法;香港若以此為藍本,不會涉及内地法律在香港實施的問題,也不是域外執法,更無不能追溯的問題,何況還是香港的國際義務。
  8. 難免要涉及“港人港審”建議。此不幸的提法(改錯名)的法理,可參照“不移交則審判原則”,但應用面較狹隘,難免被外行抨擊。
  9. 整合以上考慮,方案大體上可按如下思路:[6]
    • 移交疑犯按申請方,分爲和香港有協定和其他地區兩部分(參照英國條例中劃分不同地區)。
    • 移交機制按不同部分進行:
    • 前者成員之間,完全按現有機制進行;
    • 後者如下:
      1. 設定機制是居民不移交原則,也包含第三方居民(即僅可移交申請方的居民);
      2. 若香港居民或第三方疑犯滿足移交標準,特首在提請立法會批准後,可一次性實施“不移交則審判原則”,移交該疑犯或本地審訊(即僅在行政、立法部門均同意下針對的特別惡劣的罪行);
    • 爲避免對方違反移交的條件,特首和立法會都可啓動“逆止機制”,終止日後對其酌情實施“不移交則審判原則”。
    • 至於豁免某些罪行,原則上應盡可能少;配合適當不追溯期效果更大,也不會像目前《草案》,造成永久性包庇犯罪的副作用。
  10. 估計此安排能令港人放心,國際社會釋懷,臺灣接受,内地疑犯被送返。
[1]  “修改逃犯條例(一):對國家統一的認知漏洞”,《灼見名家》 2019-05-14:http://www.master-insight.com/?p=103238 [2] “修改逃犯條例(二):如何令香港成為逃犯天堂?”,《灼見名家》2019-05-27:http://www.master-insight.com/?p=104689 [3] “修改逃犯條例(三):‘Asia’s Wild City’歡迎你”,《灼見名家》2019-05-31:http://www.master-insight.com/?p=105262 [4] “修改逃犯條例(五上):不移交則審判原則:解套修例窘況”,《灼見名家》2019-06-19:http://www.master-insight.com/?p=107356 [5] “修改逃犯條例(五下):近代啟示如何幫助修例窘況”,《灼見名家》2019-06-24:http://www.master-insight.com/?p=107863 [6] “修改逃犯條例(四):修改《逃犯條例》的框架”,《灼見名家》2019-06-06:http://www.master-insight.com/?p=105758

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